I'm Vin and this is my website. It's still very obviously a WIP because I decided to overhaul the entire thing and start from scratch.

I made this site just for fun. I enjoy coding but I don't do it very often anymore. My knowledge of coding is very basic so this website is also for me to practice and learn new things.

My other interests are music and art. I've recently gotten into sewing, specifically making plush toys, but I would like to get into making clothes as well. My special interest is Tomodachi Life for the 3DS. I like a lot of things to do with the 3DS in general.

I am currently learning how to play the electric guitar for fun.


As I said this site is still under construction but here's my current to-do list (in no particular order):

☆ finish home page
☆ re-do art page
☆ start on tomolife page
☆ add more images
☆ find a new font to use
☆ photography page(?)
☆ 11/11/2023 - Redid main page and blinkies page. Finished Jordan's page.